Friday, October 24, 2008

Three Days of Rain

What do you get then you have three days of rain and four dogs? A whole lot of pent up energy and 16 paws trying to burn it off. And you know that place in the yard where the drainage is bad and this summer was the year it would get fixed?? Well, it didn't get fixed. There is still a mud puddle right before the porch.

Not to mention the standing water in the yard in the low spots. Wow, it's fun the see the water splash as the dogs plough through the puddles, to hear the thunder of their paws. Not so much fun when they come in with belly's and legs splashed with mud.

I shouldn't complain -it's a treat to send them out to run, sniff, investigate the yard and all it's smells. They need to exercise and burn off that energy. We're lucky we can just send them out in the yard. And I know, some folks would wipe each and every paw as it comes back inside. Oh to be so efficient. Oh, to have so much time. Oh forget it - it ain't gonna happen.

I do have a housekeeper who comes twice a month to do the floors and bathrooms. All I can say is boy, she's gonna hate us next week. I'll be sure to tell the dogs to look particularly adorable when she comes. Maybe she will forgive them for their paw prints of indiscretion all over the floor. Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow and dry things up a little.

I sure hope so.

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