Saturday, October 18, 2008

So Many Names

First of all there are all the pet names. Mick, Maddie, Sidney, Kobe. Then all the pet's nicknames. Koblerone, Prince Kobe, Jingles (aka Kobe) who now wears bells on his collar. Baby (aka Maddie) - I know, that's a Reno thing. Mickers, Mikelfur, Dufus Boy (aka Mickey). Sid, Silly Sid, Okie, Sofa Hog (aka Sidney). All of which can change daily. Then there are all the screen names, log in names and nicknames we use.

Add to that all the passwords, access codes, account identification names - and it's no wonder I have trouble remembering all this stuff. It rather defeats the purpose to have to keep a list of user names and passwords. And for every one I've had, I've had to ask at least twice for assistance because I've forgotten them. Dang, I hate when that happens. Even worse is when you get blocked from your account because you can't get the right combination of user name and pass words. Geesh!!! I understand the need for that. Can't they understand how hard it is for me to remember all that stuff.

Like when you would call your child by one of the other kid's names. You know as soon as the word is leaving your mouth it's not correct, but it's as close as you can get that second. Close has to count sometimes. I know the adage, close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades. But my suggestion is it should count for more than that.

Perhaps my brain is close to full with all these new names I'm responsible for. Names and numbers, numbers and names. I'm doing my level best with all this data. Perhaps that will be the next user name I pick.... "doin_my>levelbst". Or "dogtired_2_manynames!".

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