Sunday, August 17, 2008


You know how when company is visiting, or family, or friends for that want everything to go perfect? You know, just as I do, perfect doesn't happen. Especially not in a multi dog family.

I wanted Reno's kids to see that I am not totally a crazy dog lady. That my dogs are well mannered (sometimes), fun (most the time) and challenge free (here is where my delusions kick in).

We got through most the week looking normal and on top of things. True, we had Kobe's health issue in the beginning, but that passed without much fuss. Well, I fussed some, but everyone else took it in stride. Yesterday, however, we woke to a large dietary indiscretion in the front room - where one of our guests, was sleeping away like a baby. It was not pretty, and most odoriferous. Freakin smelly actually. Thank God teenagers can sleep through anything. Last evening, when we got home we discovered a repeat occurrence. Any hopes of doggy decorum went right down the tubes. The digestional tubes that is. Let me give you a visual. Teenagers gagging, tempers flaring, us trying 99 different ways to deodorize the house.

This morning brought Kobe vomiting. Oh joy, someone pass the rags and the Nature's Miracle. The last vestiges of my hope for a non-traumatic, dogs are great visit just up chucked in the hallway.

So maybe my expectations where not in line with my reality. I felt awful about the mess and the smell and the hassle. I dread the thought of them taking these doggy tales home and spreading them like some wet puddle of ---- well, you know what I mean. Still, those things are beyond my control.

Thank God for girlfriends, for one of them put all my stress over the mess and smell into a wonderful perspective. She said......."If dogs weren't stinky and messy and had accidents sometimes, there would be a whole lot less dogs abused, neglected, and abandoned...and people like you wouldn't need to open their homes to rescue them. It's something many people would not be able to do and it's one of the things that makes you such an incredible person. When people walk in, they don't smell stinkiness, they smell hope ;o)".

Who knew hope had so much fragrance!

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