Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sidney Knows

Sidney knows something new. He's been going up and down the upstairs for weeks. Until today he wouldn't go down and up the downstairs. Now he knows how. He even discovered that Decoy's bowl of kibble will be in the basement bedroom. Sid's a sly dog. Maybe one day I'll discover him sitting like he knows what that is all about too. A girl can hope.

He had a social outing today. It was a great experience in socialization. I took him to the store I work at. He encountered swinging doors, the noise of compressors, people coming and going, boxes of freight in all shapes and sizes. He even almost got into my vehicle without being lifted - that's progress in itself. He was wonderful about all the people who met and touched him, the tail was down, but not tucked all the way to his nose. I take that as a good sign.

I also missed a Kodak moment with Sidney and Mickey today. The two of them were locked on point and it was a gorgeous moment. Naturally a camera was not within reach. I stood transfixed at the wonder of two pointers doing what comes naturally. That they were pointing intently on a bumblebee was not an issue. They were in the zone, until Mickey went for the kill. Mick hunts them all the time and snatches them out of thin air. Although I worry about that he's never had a problem with it. Crossing fingers he never does.

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