Monday, August 25, 2008

Pepto Dismal

If you have never tried to give a dog Pepto Bismol, let me say - you are one lucky dog.

In theory, it's no different that getting a child to take the pink yucky stuff. Fill a syringe, open mouth, squirt in the side and before you know it they are lapping it right up. Not!!! Not bloody likely that is.

I administered a dose to Kobe today. One of the boys, either Mickey or Kobe has the runs. My money is on Kobe and Reno's money is on Mickey. If you can apply it topically I think I was successful. May I just say Kobe does not look good in pink. When I took a wet cloth to clean it off his face, lips, shoulder and back, he squirmed and made faces like a toddler. Who knew water was such torture.

Since my first attempt was only marginally successful - I went for the food driven approach. I made a pepto bismol sundae for him. You take a scoop of canned dog food, pour the pink goodie over the top and voila!!! There you have it. Actually, he rather enjoyed it.

Of course I can only hope I dosed the right dog. Otherwise my attempts will have been totally pink and thoroughly dismal.

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