Sunday, August 24, 2008

Random Dog Thots - Jumping Off and Starting Over

This weekend my grandlab is participating in a DockDog competition. Talk about a lab-driven event. I can't tell you how much it makes me want another yellow lab. Well, I could, but we don't have all day. Suffice it to say, I miss my Abby-girl. But, I digress.

Decoy's best jump in the preliminary wave was 16' 2". Impressive compared to the dogs jumping 9-10'. Not so impressive compared to the labs jumping 20-22'. He goes back today for finals.

The best part was another competitor taking time to give my son feedback on Decoy's jumping. He noted Decoy's stride and where he was launching himself from the dock. His suggestion was to move his starting place up a couple feet so that his last stride is at the very end of the dock. In practice, this was giving him more distance! It was one of those, duh!!! Why didn't we think of that things. But that is one of the things I love about dog people. Their willingness to share their knowledge.

On another note, I have to commend a neighbor of mine for re homing their dog. They got a puppy not quite a year ago. I had my doubts when they adopted because they have 3 young kids. Not that families can't, or shouldn't adopt puppies, but knowing how much work puppies and babies can take I admit to questioning their sanity. Felix was getting his minimum requirements met. At least these owners recognized that and made other arrangements. Sometimes life requires us to make tough decisions. Sometimes what seemed right at the time needs reconsidering. I'm glad they took time to find Felix a new home, and I wish him all kinds of happiness there.

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