Thursday, August 28, 2008

Late Summer Garden

Each Spring, I vow to get my garden into the best shape ever. Each Summer, my interest wanes as the temperature rises. And now, the late Summer garden is looking a bit neglected. Mostly because, it was. It's like vowing to get your body swim suit ready - and we know how that goes!!

Surprisingly, the garden has it's bright spots right now. Parts that bloom just because they can. Much like the inner spirit that shows a person's really beauty. Morning Glory is one of my favorites. Their clear blue and deep violet blues lure you in to soak up their color. The vines are not showy, but their blossoms more than make up for it. The Surprise Lily's (or, Naked Ladies, as they are sometimes called) and putting on a floor show. It's pretty impressive. And the 4 o'clocks? Awesome! I may even dig those tubers up, which I never do.

The tomato vines are loaded, and I've been picking some daily. Just enough to eat, without an overload. By next week, that will be a different story. The jalapeno pepper I planted is producing a bumper crop of cayenne peppers. Plant labels can be a tricky thing.

What can I say, sometimes what we plant blooms in way's we could never predict. And that is a miracle in itself.

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