Thursday, August 21, 2008


Sidney's mug shots from when he was in the shelter reveal that he is not the most photogenic dog on earth. In fact, we had a bet if he was even pure bred or not. Naturally, I won this bet, because I had absolute faith in our Incoming Dog Coordinators and Board. Said bet has not been paid up, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

Back to Sidney, he is way cuter than his photo's suggest. Couple that with my pathetic photography skills, and he has a distinct handicap. I worry he'll be like the wall flower at the prom. Last to be asked to dance into a forever home.

He has the most adorable pigment spot on his schnozzle. But getting a picture of that is like asking a hummingbird to pause mid-flight. I'm working on better photo's. His mug shots are on his profile. They show a scared, shy dog squinting in the bright light of day, hunkered down a little, ready to bolt if necessary.

I need pictures that show his spirit leaping after butterflies and his heart so full of warm fuzzies that his tail about wags off. I also need to figure out point and click photography. My shutter is not nearly fast enough for these pointers of ours. Now, if I was shooting photo's of a tortoise, you'd think I was a professional.

He may just be a sleeper, and his pic's may never do him justice. In that case, you'll just have to meet him to fall for him. I believe I have.

Sidney's profile can be seen at:

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