Friday, August 29, 2008

A Little This A Little That

Feeding the dogs ain't what it used to be. I almost need a check list to make sure everyone gets it right. OK, so I get it right.

Two of the dogs get two cups food, am & pm. All the dogs get a spoon full of yogurt to aid digestion and prevent farts. Yes, we have world class farters here. Kobe gets some extra canned food, plus two pain medications, and a nutritional supplement. Sidney gets some flax seed oil. Maddie gets one cup of food. Mick gets a 1 1/2 cups. All get vitamins. We've had some tummy upsets this past week, so some of the dogs get a spoon full of pumpkin for regularity.

It takes a fair amount of concentration just to get through feeding time at the zoo. I have to laugh at the process. A little this, a little that. Always subject to change. We've come a long way from a can of Alpo.

On another note, Maddie gets groomed tomorrow. She's an English Springer and my first dog to need grooming. She's developing a part down her back, so I know it's time. Plus we need to get her trimmed so that she'll grow back before the cold weather sets in.

And speaking of did it get to be September already????? Can we go back to the beginning of July and start again??

Time flies when you're dishing up a little this and a little that. Time flies when you are so blessed. Blessed by both the two footed and the four footed friends that bring light to our life. Thank you for being part of that.

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