Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Men Stuff

Just a few words about men.

Some of the things I admire about men are the exact same things that drive me nuts about them. I believe the words testosterone and testicles begin with the word "test" to warn women at their patience is going to be tested to the max. I believe they are born hearing impaired and female challenged. I believe they are gentle, kind people until you get them behind the steering wheel - then all hell breaks loose. I am amazed that they can 'forget' important birth dates and anniversaries and yet remember random ancient sports statistics. How can they be so in tune to the chick with the hooters across the street and totally oblivious to the woman (who may also have great hooters) at their side?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing here. Just pondering the peculiarities of the opposite sex. I have sons, brothers, a significant other, and an ex husband. Can I honestly say I understand them - I don't think so.

I admire how they can totally focus on one task as the rest of the house falls apart around them. I love how willing they are to come to the rescue, which may not have been necessary if they'd have been listening to us in the first place. But, better late then never.

I am baffled at how the "C" word freaks them, how a De Beers ad frightens them and how getting them to purchase tampons is like asking them for a limb. How can they be so 'visual' and see so little at the very same time?

These are our hero's, our pillars of strength, our spouses, our best friends, our Dad's, our son's. These are the macho men. And yet, sometimes they are a mystery to me.

Try as I may to ask them to explain themselves, it just doesn't happen. They are thinking beings, who profess to not thinking about anything when we ask what they are thinking.

They are what they are. All confusion aside - we love them. Because of course we know throttling them is not a viable option.

****the above blog was written about men in general - any likeness you might see of yourself is dumb luck and not to be taken personally.

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