Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sometimes life brings you a coworker who is also a friend. It doesn't get much better than that.

I'm writing this because my friend, who I was blessed to have as an employee and coworker, just worked her last day at the store. She and I go a ways back. In friendship years we go back about five years. As kindred spirits we go back forever. We met through someone I was dating way back when. I got something out of that relationship - an wonderful friend. Boyfriends come and go, girlfriends (if you are lucky) are forever.

She is the kind of friend who can finish your sentences when you are too tired to speak. Who understands what you are saying with your brain gets all twisted and your mouth doesn't get the words in the right order.

We've worked at two different places together, how cool is that. Now she is moving to another state so the odds of us working in the same place again are slim to none. I wish so many things for her. A safe and speedy journey to her new home, family and new friends to sustain her, an outlet for her talent and creativity, health (take care of that back, those feet and your teeth!), love, and many hours with her grand children.

I wish she didn't have to go. But I understand that her heart moved back home long ago and she needs to follow. Godspeed, God Bless, and thank you for what we shared.

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