Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Play Group

Sidney got to go to play group. May I just say right now he is one tired boy. Tired pointers are my favorite kind.

A local group offers free play group sessions for foster dogs - so off we went. I was delighted to see two other pointers, one a German short hair pointer, and the other an English pointer. That shouldn't surprise me, people with high energy dogs are usually smart enough to find outlets for that energy. Other than opportunities for destruction of property - like pillows, for example.

I have to wonder if all the commotion, barking and dogs gave him flash backs from his shelter days. He kept a close eye on me, but still played well. Not to mention he worked the crowd - he is definitely a people person, or people dog, however you say that. His best buddy was the German short hair pointer - perhaps he felt like he was with extended family.

We will definitely go back. You can't beat the price, it's great socialization for Sidney. Who knows, maybe he'll find a local home. Play time is good - we all need more play time.

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