Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Equalizer Goddess

I saw a random comment that referenced the Equalizer Goddess. Wow, I love this whole concept.

If there is a Goddess who helps even things out, all I can say is holy cow, she is a busy woman.

Just in my own life I'd put her to work on this - equalizing the amount of poop deposited in yard with the number of residents willing to help pick it up. She could also equalize my intentions of losing weight with my willingness to do so. She could equalize the state of my IRA. She could equalize my wages, so that my hourly pay reflects my true value. She could get out her fairy dust and equalize my 50 year old body with what my 25 year old body used to be. Heck, she could equalize my regrets with my ability to not pass up great opportunities.

A woman like her could do so much about, you know, equality. Almost everyone likes a Goddess, and everyone would like things to be a bit more equal. Now, I know that to the dogs I am the Goddess of all that is Good in Life. I can't argue with their logic. Dogs are smart. Still they would love the Equalizer Goddess to change up the ratio of treats to hourly rather than daily.

Maybe we are our own Equalizer Goddess. If so, I need to tell her how great she is and give thanks for everything she has equalized for me lately. Now about the dog poop in the back yard.......

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