Sunday, January 4, 2009

Getting Old

You know you are getting old when you wish Midnight Mass started at 10pm. When milk before bed sounds good - as long as it's got some booze in it. When someone celebrating their 32nd birthday is just a baby. When you start taking herbal supplements for joints, memory, menopause and bone support. In addition to the hand full of other pills you pop daily. When you have a child who is 25 yrs younger than you are.

Getting old kinda sneaks up on you. Although, I'm not saying I'm old, just that I am getting there. I remember when 40 was old, and now I think 40 is young. I remember when I was innocent enough to believe happily ever after happened the first time around. Now I know 'happily ever' is a life choice after all.

I remember when I held my kids hand, before long they will be holding mine. I remember when I didn't have a clue, and sometimes still find myself clueless. If I was prone to having a mid-life crisis, I'd be late for it. I'm pretty punctual, so this would be a problem. I remember when my kids had a curfew and now, I don't even want to know what time they get home, or their condition when they arrive - as long as by the grace of God it's done safely. Or with the benefit of their guardian angels.

Ah yes, I least for the mean time I do. Although this too might change with age.

1 comment:

JOAN said...

I love reading your blog