Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day Off

Tuesdays are my day "off". Off being a loosely used term here. Off in the sense I don't have to go to the store and work. At home, it's my catch up day.

So far today, I've taken Sidney for a meet and greet at the store. He did so well. His first visit we just stayed in the receiving and office area. Today I took him into the store proper. We visited the floral department and the crafts department. I am so lucky to work in a dog-friendly, family-owned and operated business. He was exposed to lots of people, stacks of boxes, displays and all manner of things. They were impressed at how much confidence he's gained. Yea Sidney!

Following that I did the grocery shopping, some invisible fence training, picked tomato's, cooked some homemade tomato juice. Can you hear the Bloody Mary's calling? Took Mick to have his nails clipped. Yes, I can do that at home, but while I can get his front paws done alone, he's a complete wiggle butt when I touch his back paws. Sometimes it's just worth it to have 'em done. Did a pet therapy visit, and went to the chiropractor. Next on the list is a massage (ahhhhhh), then a visit to my Mom, then out to dinner. Oh, the laundry is still waiting to be folded and I was (truly I was!) going to chase the vacuum around the front room.

So for a day off, I didn't exactly sit around and eat bonbons. Maybe I should try that someday. Note to self: schedule a day off - really off!! On this day I will read, nap, eat bonbons, read, have a pedicure, relax, soak in the tub. Sip wine, lay about in fine lingerie, be waited on hand-and-foot. And this day is penciled in on the calendar.....under happy dreams and harmless delusions.

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