Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fence Training

Sidney is on his sixth day of invisible fence training. I really think training should be easier, as we've done it before. This is my sixth dog to train. For days now, we're been exposing him to the warning tone. Now he's learning the consequences of going past the warning tone.

Wouldn't it be nice if we always were aware of, and respected the warning tones of life??? On the other hand, there wouldn't be many life lessons if we immediately learned and followed the rules. Face it, we need those lessons, and the consequences that go with them. Doesn't make them any easier to get through though.

Actually the process is easy. It's just that I hate when the pup gets his first consequence. And I know, it only takes a couple for them to connect the dots. It's a small price to pay for keeping them safe and contained. Still, it's difficult for me and was quite a shock for Sidney.

Funny when we love someone, how much it hurts to see them receive consequences. Even if they are appropriate consequences, well deserved, and properly dispensed. Guess this goes with caring, and having a tender heart.

In the end, Sidney will have a whole yard to run in and explore. I can't wait to see that. Between now and then, we're baby stepping our way to learning boundaries. Boundaries are as necessary as consequences.

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