Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random Thots

I was listening to a radio commercial today. An advertisement mentioned getting your "free" flirty makeup bag. That got me thinking. What if my makeup bag is flirtier than I am? I'm not sure I really want that. We like to think we can hold our own in that regard, and not be trumped by a small bag with a zipper in it. All my makeup bag really needs to be is functional. Enough said.

I have a cell phone dilemma. You may understand. I downloaded what is currently my favorite song on it. Now when it rings, I am tempted not to answer it. Go figure.

The full moon was last Saturday, but things are just getting nutsy at work. In retail, or in hospitals, you sometimes see a spike in bizarre behavior around the full moon. Could the response to last week's full moon have been delayed by, say Hurricane Ike? Or the result of a long and grueling sumo wrestler style presidential election campaign? You never know.

Remember the blog I wrote about the bundle of rope in the road? Said rope has travelled about a mile north of where I saw it. It also crossed the road to the other side. Life is all about making changes in direction. Yes it is.

An interesting procedure that boggles my mind - we went for our monthly couples massage last night. Yes, life is good! The massage is given in the "family room", so we can be together. Oddly enough we are not allowed to disrobe in front of each other in the family room. Even odder is the fact that we can re-robe in front of each in that same family room. Hmmmmm, just hmmmmm.

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