Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Good Lord Morning

Why is it when you over sleep you always feel worse off? That extra sleep definitely does not increase productivity. In fact, it reduces mental function. Granted my level of mental function varies by day, by moon cycle, by the tide, by dumb luck.

I/we overslept by an hour this morning. Actually I think I was sleeping so deeply it took 60 minutes for my alarm to penetrate all that gray matter. We were so late getting up, my son was up and had let some of the dogs out. My first waking thought was wondering why Mickey was barking and how did he get outside, or had I left him out all night?? As I stumbled to the door to let him in, I encountered my son and asked why he was up so early. His response was why was I getting up so late - ohhhh.......

It gets better, in my scramble to gather my wits and get ready for work I bent over to pet Mickey. As I bent down he jumped up hitting me in the nose. Dog heads are really, really hard!! So I had a bloody nose on top of a foggy brain. Hump day should not start like this.

I bet it took almost until Noon to get my sh*t together today. I suppose better late than never counts on days like today. By after lunch I was feeling organized and coherent. My boss likes when that happens.

I wonder if anyone has researched the "oversleeping/under functioning" phenomenon. And if there is a set time it takes to recover for oversleeping. Like for every hour you oversleep it takes 3 hours to recover. I have data as hard as a dogs head to prove my case.

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