Saturday, September 20, 2008


As I look around I see some dust on the furniture. Frankly, I prefer to consider it a layer of love, just like the dog fur is a layer of puppy love. Sure I could jump up and run for the dust cloth. But you all know me well enough to know it just ain't gonna happen. I could spend all day cleaning, well I could, but.....ummmm......ah.....I don't think so.

When you work every other weekend it's hard to get motivated on your weekend off. I'd rather putz around the house, write, wander the garden, read a little, love up on the dogs. You may have noticed cleaning is not in that mix. Some people are born to clean - I'm not one of them.

Our pets know what's important in life. None of them are begging me to get out the vacuum cleaner and I trust their judgement. If I dust today, it will be dusty again within a week. The dust will not repay me in comfort and relaxation. Although, I admit (grudgingly) a certain satisfaction can be had be cleaning up and making things neat and tidy. I'm just not into that kind of satisfaction.

If I have a burst of energy I'll take the dogs out to be brushed. I believe that counts as cleaning and loving up on the dogs. In the mean time I'll have another cup of coffee and ponder the numerous blessings I enjoy that are as evident as the dust on the furniture.

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