Saturday, September 6, 2008


Into each life some pain must fall, or was that rain will fall? There are physical pains, emotional pain, heartaches, tooth aches, headaches, hurt feelings, broken toes, various and sundry bruises. There are huge lingering losses, there are little splinters of hurt. There are subtle hurts we often overlook because they are a daily part of life. There are pains large enough to swallow us. There are pains in the ass. Some go as quickly as they come (thankfully), there are some that take up residence with us.

Part of caring means mean opening ourselves up to both joy and pain. Like gin and tonic - they just go together. Like beer and pizza, they just go together. Like me and dogs - they just go together. You catch my drift, you see how the fur flies.

So in those "ouch" moments, or times what do you do? You search for the right band aid to move toward healing. I love the concept of band aids - some tape and padding to hold it all together. Band it with love, pad it with forgiveness, keep it clean, let it heal. And always, always find the lesson that comes from the experience. I guarantee, there is one within.....

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