Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fence Training

We began invisible fence training with Sidney today. It's been on my mind for a while. Cold weather (I even hate to say that) is just down the road. Last winter we visited the frigid out doors with Pete on lead every time he needed out. We (I) decided to get a move on and train this dear boy.

The yard is flagged. And we had our first training session today. The mission - take him close enough to the boundary so he could hear the warning tone, and then retreat to the safe zone. The collar is covered so he does not get zapped, just the experience of the warning tone.

My problem though is hearing the tone when he's wearing the collar. One ought to be able to turn up the volume for trainers who are over a certain age. Heck, what if your dog was hard of hearing???

So there we were. The first session. Mind you, over the course of his stay we've walked the yard a pawzillion times, and have stayed within the boundaries of the fence area, so he has a good idea of how far he can go. So he walks up to about a foot from a flag, ever so slowly crouches into a gorgeous point position. And there I am beside him, crouched down into a amusing point of my own trying in vain to here the warning tone. All I could hear was the imagined laughter of every neighbor within the visual vicinity of my yard.

Nope, I could not hear the tone. I'm trusting he did. So we retreated with joyous words and excitement to the safe part of the yard. I've given up trying to hear the tone. Only way to do that is to put a collar on me - and that just ain't gonna happen.

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