Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Vlad the Impaler

In addition to having a grand-lab, I also have a grand-dragon. Mind you, I don't do reptiles, at least not willingly.

But my daughter adores her bearded dragon - aptly named Vladimir. She used to have an iguana named Bowser, but her old boy friend has custody of him. It took a long time before I'd even touch either one of them, the reptiles I mean. Like I said, me and reptiles - not on your life.

We took Sidney over to visit the house my daughter and son are renting. Sid went to play with Decoy and enjoyed the luxury of a fenced back yard to run and play in. When we were leaving, my daughter brought out Vladimir for the dogs to do a meet and greet. Sid was about as interested in the critter as I was. Decoy wanted to taste him. He's had several days of meet and greets with Vlad. I'm sure when Decoy looks at him he still sees an appetizer.

Sidney was not impressed. In fact, my daughter set the nearly 14" dragon on Sidney's back. Neither one of them flinched, although I was uneasy! Yes, it was a Kodak moment, and we ran for the camera. Only enough juice in the battery for one picture. Which we got! I'll be certain to share when we get it downloaded.

It was a cool moment, even if there was a reptile involved. Good exposure for Sidney, and for me. And Vlad was a perfect gentleman.

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