Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bathroom Books

Many people have books in the bathroom. Usually, they are quick, easy reads, but others have long volumes they methodically read whenever the mood, ummm, moves them. If that is what it takes to get men to read, I'm all for it.

You might think I'd have dog books in my bathroom, and sometimes I have. Of late, my book of choice is "1001 ways to be Romantic", by Gregory Godek. Since I don't usually linger in the bathroom like some folks do, it's a good book for a quick suggestion on how to cherish your partner and spice up life.

The way I see it, we could all use some extra knowledge on how to be more romantic. For some people any idea's would equal more ideas. For others, it offers new creative ways to celebrate your love. Where do you fall in there? Could you write the book, or is it likely someone will throw the book at you for being a romantic dufus.

Sure I could take the news paper to the bathroom. No offense to the news paper readers of the world. I could take up Sudoku in there - not bloody likely though. I could take Glamour, or Oprah, or Martha in there too. But, would that help me challenge my romantic self? Hmm, perhaps not.

1001 ways - just think about it. 1001 possibilities. 1001 new ways to show my love. Sounds like a winner to me. And, no, I wouldn't dream of using a page for toilet paper. I may be pausing in my day to do some personal business, but I can come out of there a better partner if I take time to invest myself in the relationship. So could you.

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