Thursday, November 20, 2008

Note To Self

Don't you love those things that cause you to say - Note to Self - because sometimes the Self really needs a reminder (or two or three) about what we can, can't or just plain shouldn't do.

This mornings reminder is - Self (and I say that lovingly), what the hell were you thinking??? I gave Prince Kobe a bath this morning. Usually baths are done outdoors. But it was too cold and he really needed one. So, my independent, I can do it, not so intelligent self said no sweat pet, I can do this. And I did.

But the truth is - I just can't (and shouldn't!) lift 50 lbs of dog anymore. Just like I can't (and shouldn't) lift those 35 lb bags of dog food anymore. And yet I still do.

I lifted him in, bathed him, comforted him and then realized he's the one dog of mine that can't get out of the tub on his own. The others are all to willing to scramble out. Kobe is not willing or able to do that!! Fifty+ pounds of wet dog adds up. And my back is yelling at me because of it.

Of course, I realize a little later today I will be lifting him in and out of the truck as we visit the vet. It falls under the "you gotta do what you gotta do" for your beloved pets.

Of course, the Note To Self following all of this is - take two Advil, and a little ice on the back won't hurt either.......

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