Friday, November 14, 2008

Crabby Pants

Since owning it is the first step, let me stand and say I have my crabby pants on. It doesn't happen very often. And if I wasn't already crabby, being crabby would really P!ss me off.

What really torques me off is when I'm crabby and can't quite put my finger on what set it off. I know the actions involved, but my reactions are go way back to some other incident. Except I can't pin down the other incident. Crabby is a chain reaction sort of thing.

Add to this outbreak of crabbiness the need to dress for a funeral. No matter what you put on when you are crabby - it's just not going to look right. Not that it really matters what I wear to a sad event. As long as it's clean and appropriate it will be fine. But I guess I'm angry that my closet doesn't present more options today. Stupid closet.

Crabby is an out of control feeling - and really, who digs that feeling? I believe that I'll take a deep breath. Close my eyes.....inhale......exhale.....and release some of that crabbiness. When it comes to the big picture, this little fit of irritation doesn't even make the radar. I'm going to take off my crabby pants now...... thanks for sharing my rant.

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