Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Glitter Glitter Everywhere

I know I've got glitter on my face. On my clothes, my shoes, my - well most everything. And no, I don't put it there intentionally. We joke it's be cause we have such glamorous jobs. But that is just a joke. Anyone who handles any product decorated with glitter ends up taking some home. It will stick to your skin for months - and yes, I do shower every day. Still the glitter sticks. I know I've been working too much when the dogs have glitter on them just from me loving up on them.

All that said, we began hanging ornaments on the tree at the Durham today. I admit to being guilty of something (besides wearing copious amounts of glitter). I tend to see the individual steps of the process and not the big picture. Day One - wire the ornaments, stop wiring to watch tree being hauled in, wire more ornaments. Day Two - hang ornaments, hang more ornaments, replace a few burnt out bulbs, hang more ornaments, have lunch, hang more ornaments. Day Three - hang more ornaments, look for holes what need more ornaments, hang more ornaments.

What I sometimes neglect to see is the beauty of the overall project. The majesty of it. The magic of it. Aren't we all like that to some degree? We complete the project, but fail to enjoy the process.

Tomorrow is Day Three. I plan to wear my glitter as a badge. A badge that says I helped make magic. I helped decorate a whopper of a tree. I'm going to rest my manager side, my designer side, my employee side. I'm going to let my delighted child side see the magic, to feel the joy, to celebrate the process. And she, this adorable child in me, will be sparkling with life that is brighter than any glitter made.

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