Friday, November 28, 2008

Post Turkey Day Thots

First of all - did you see a Pointer won Best In Show at the dog show on TV yesterday? I believe it's been about 25 years since the pointers kicked some doggy butt at this show. They were due for a win. Kudos to Holly for making this happen. Was she a beauty or what?

Secondly - wow, I finally got around to having my slice of pie. It was for breakfast this morning. We had two desserts to choose from last evening. Pumpkin pie, and chocolate dipped strawberries. The berries did it for me. Even though I was pleasantly full, I did have room for a couple strawberries.

As the cook - if I couldn't nibble during preparation I'd be in big trouble. I could also get dinner on the table a lot faster. But that is the best part of serving turkey dinner. A little nibble while the bird is being carved (ok, many little nibbles). A nibble of the dressing. Look someone has to taste it for quality control purposes. Licking the beaters after you mash the potatoes. Someone has to do this stuff, it might just as well be me. Then, of course, I nibble more during clean up. No wonder there was no room for pie! Even though the table was laden with yummy foods, it was nothing compared to the blessings that laden our hearts and lives.

We did get outside yesterday to hang our tree ornaments. I believe I have the worlds largest collection of second-hand slightly damaged commercial tree ornaments. From a distance one doesn't see the cracks, scuffs, holes or hot glue repairs on these ornaments. When you think about it, who doesn't have some cracks, scuffs, or holes? Like the saying goes - "we are strongest in our broken places". These beauties were all destined for the pitch pile. Instead they have had some TLC and hang under the canopy of the tree in our front yard. Eventually the tree will have lights on it. Pretty cool.

We did take down our Halloween flag and put up our Christmas flag. Yes, I know I still have a pumpkin on the front porch. It's days are numbered, but dang I still like it.

So many traditions at hand. So many blessings to enjoy. Dogs, dinner, graces, ornaments, signs of the seasons. Life is good.

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