Monday, November 3, 2008

Tuckered Out

It is tiring to have company. Even the dogs will tell you that. So many people, so many opportunities for petting, so many more chances for food to fall on the floor. More people means more hands to throw the ball for Maddie. Kobe's only complaint is more people means more butts taking up spots on the couch and the recliner.

Sidney has been in his glory with all the people here. Not afraid of anything, welcoming anyone. We even left him out of his crate at night. He let Reno's son share the sofa with him at night. Very generous of Sidney to do that I thought.

I am about cooked out. Today, thankfully, I had explicit instructions to not cook anything for anyone today. Phfewwww. As much as I like to cook and feed people it was exhausting. Of course yesterdays feast would have been easier if I had a double oven. But I improvised and put the pre-cooked turkey out on the Weber grill to heat. Yesterdays feast would have been easier without the trick refrigerator door too, but luckily I have another really old fridge in the garage.

All in all it has been an awesome weekend. Our family and friends are slowly heading home, back to work and school. We'll go back tomorrow to our regular routine. I have enough leftovers to feed us for the week and probably then some.

The celebration of family, friendships and a special birthday will feed our hearts forever. I may be weary, but its a good weary, a happy weary, a satisfied weary.

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