Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Grin and Bear It

Reno and I have a ongoing debate. I maintain all people (well mostly) are predominantly good. He believes the polar opposite. It's probably just as well that of the two of us, I'm the one who works in retail.

I waited on the most obnoxious customer today. He was most dissatisfied with the selection my department offered basically because I didn't have any beige silk poinsettia's. He simply had to have beige poinsettia's to go with the red ones. Nothing else would do. Nothing else in the beige family could be substituted. And I was told repeatedly of his disgust. I could see my staff watching and listening the dialog. I could tell they would be dropping to their knee's and thanking their lucky stars I got this customer and not them. Sometimes, no matter what options you offer it is never good enough.

Besides the verbal rudeness, the customer went on to drop the "M" bomb. He asked rhetorically if he'd have to go to Michael's to find the poinsettia's I simply did not have. He added (to soften the blow I think) that he comes here first, but that he'd go there if he had to. Those of us who work for independently owned craft stores cringe when the "M" word is waived at us like a red flag at a bull.

Several thoughts came to my mind on how to reply to this not-so-gentleman. I'm sure you could also come up with some choice words. That part is easy. That part is not, however, what customer service is all about. My response was that not all my product was over from the warehouse (yes, my staff was shooting daggers at me when I said this). And, that possibly I'd have other product coming in that might work for him. No, I couldn't guarantee the beige poinsettia's. Between you and I........I don't envision a huge demand anywhere for beige Christmas flowers, but who am I to tell him his vision may be slightly warped?

We were glad (understatement of the century) to see him leave. If he finds his beige stems elsewhere so be it. If he returns, I hope we can find the strength to smile at him and try to be of assistance. That much pressure to find beige, and that much dissatisfaction must be a heavy weight to bear.

But his attitude does not have to color mine. For those who live full of joy time flies. For those who live by darkness and doom, I imagine the days drag on. My choice is to grin and bare it. To believe there will be three really fabulous customers for every one like this. At least three, maybe even more.

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