Saturday, November 8, 2008

Let Me Help You Brother

I marvel at the dogs. Pretty amazing creatures. With the cold weather Mickey and Maddie are sleeping on the bed more and I love to see them sleeping next to one another. They are the Ying and Yang of dogs. Maddie is mostly brown with a little white, and Mick is mostly white with a little brown. Their fur makes me think of polar opposites. So different, and yet, so much the same.

In the morning, Mick will let me know when he has to go out. Not wants to, but really has too. He'll stand beside the bed and give me one woof. If that doesn't work, he'll give me another one woof. If I still fail to move physically (because by then I am doing the mental preparation) he'll give me one more Woof. Usually that's all it takes, as I am well trained.

This morning I let the dogs out, then in, and went back to bed. Shidney has had some digestional issues, so we've been making sure we let him out more frequently. Of course, he's not as good at letting us know when we are snoozing away.

An hour after their first venture out into the chilly morning. I hear the tell tale woof at bedside. Mick - go lay down, you've been out already. A little bit later, I hear the second Woof. Ughhh, I'm thinking - can't I ever just go back to bed? Finally, I hear persistent Woof #3 and I decide, yes, if you insist.

Mick and Sidney race to the door, I open it and only Sidney dashes out. Mick turns around and heads back to bed. I'm left marveling at the fact Mick got me out of bed for Sidney.

Sometimes we need another voice to sound out our needs. Sometimes we need to simply open up our ears. Sometimes even the dogs look out for each other. And we humans can learn from that.

1 comment:

Maki B said...

What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing.