Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Random Thots on Dancing

I was listening to my Trans Siberian Orchestra CD today. I didn't get to hear them perform this season, so I'm listening to try and make up for it. There are a couple songs that just make me want to get up and sing with them. Bear in mind I am not a good singer, but I do think (with absolute certainly) that I would have made a hell of a back-up dancer.

All those years of dance lessons could have paid off. Granted I don't sing, and am not as tall, or as slender as most of them. And, and this is a big one, I can't wear heels like they do. I can't dance in high heels anymore either. Come to think of that I never could.

But I have rhythm, I can clap hands, or snap fingers, and yes, could flip my long locks of hair if I had them, heck there was a time I could have worn the slinky costumes. And I would have just rocked at that. Maybe in another life I will be that back up dancer I dream of being.

In the meantime, I provide back-up in other ways. Without song, dance and usually without other fanfare. I do that for my honey, for the dogs, my kids, coworkers, friends and family. Of course, there is never that big round of applause to performers sometimes get. I must be more of a behind the scenes back up dancer.

And that's okay too. When I'm alone I'll do my on stage back up dancing and love every minute of it. In real life, I'll do back up however I'm led to.......and count those moments as blessings.

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