Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Annual Christmas Letter

This morning I was sitting in a doctor's office while my girlfriend was having a colonoscopy. Suddenly I was inspired to write this first annual Christmas letter. I know receiving letters like this can be as fun as a colonoscopy or other mildly invasive procedure.

It's been a big year for us. Big as in blessings, even though thus far we did not win the lottery, receive our doctorate, be promoted to president, travel on our dream vacation, or have 3 kids in college carrying 4.0 gpa's.

Reno did come out of semi-retirement and join the work world again. He'll be the first to tell you it's not all it's cracked up to be. But it pays the bills - which is a very good thing. I miss having him home to clean, do laundry and cook. That was fun while it lasted and I know I could adapt easily to that lifestyle again if need be. I begged for the opportunity to go into semi-retirement, but he just laughed. Go figure.

During this year I did see the stuff in the garage get shifted enough to make room for my truck during the cold months, and then during the summer the stuff kind of slid back into the parking spot. It's that ebb and flow of life I think. We have neighbors (the garage dwellers) who drink cheap beer and socialize in their garages, though for some reason they never invite us to join them. Oh wait, maybe that's because I'm the crazy dog lady in the circle. Personally, I'd rather not have a spotless garage, own dogs, drink good beer and entertain in our home rather than in the garage. Frankly they don't own dogs, so they are suspect anyway.

We've fostered two dogs this year. Neither of which had lived inside before. Sure is fun to see them learn the comforts (and rules) of life inside. Okay, I think it's fun - Reno probably doesn't think it's quite as fun as I do, but he indulges me on the dogs, just like I indulge him on the stuff in the garage. Pete was adopted in June and moved to New York City. I visited him in October. He is living the life of Riley, what a lucky dog. Sidney is still in our foster care. We are happy to share our sofa with him, until his forever sofa becomes available.

Over the summer we did a little bbq-ing, drank a little wine and enjoyed a visit from Reno's kids. Later in the year we celebrated our 50th birthdays. He is quick to tell me we have 100 years of life experience between us. Oh goodie. Can't we just double our pleasure, double our fun?

We haven't lost all the money in our IRA accounts, we haven't lost our minds, or lost weight. Two out of three ain't bad. And while we don't have our tree up, or our shopping done (or maybe not even begun), we have been blessed by employment, health, dogs, kids, family and friends.

So from our house to yours we wish you a wonderful holiday season. May your life include richness beyond measure, enough money to pay the bills, some pets to teach us about unconditional love and family/good friends to love us. Just like we do you!

Have a Merry and a Happy!

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