Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Warm fuzzies. Snug as a bug in a rug. Toasty warm. Warm feelings. Warm smile. Warm words. Warm beverages. Warm clothing. Warm chocolate chip cookies!! Warm up the car! All tucked in warm and cozy.

It's easy to figure out why warmth is on my mind lately. We've been hovering in the +5 to -7 degree temp's since Sunday. Today is bringing 3-4 inches of snow. You know the phrase "blanket of snow"? That's just wrong!

Warm is many things. It's a feeling we get from some people. They just exude warmth by their personality, their actions, their compassion. Others are cold to the core. Brrrr.....

I was marveling at the dogs this morning. I love how they curl up in a ball, nose all tucked in. They generate more heat than a heating pad that way. I know I can crawl under the covers (multiple layers!) and still be cold. They just roll up and become little canine toaster ovens. Better yet, they don't mind a cold hand on their warm belly like Reno does!! Or myself, for that matter.

Here's another favorite one......spread the warmth. Ohhh, imagine if we all did that today? Kinda makes you warm just thinking about it.

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