Saturday, December 13, 2008

Got Milk?

I need to find out which advertising agency does the Got Milk? commercials. If you have a contact at that agency please send me their name. I believe Kobe could be the new poster dog for their promotion.

You may be wondering where I got this wild idea. Actually Kobe did it himself. Not bad for an old arthritic dog. My boys are prone to breaking wind on a regular basis. And Kobe is uniquely qualified. Add to his wind skills he has that funky bottom lip from an old kicking injury. I believe that droopy lip may make him rich beyond our dreams. He may require his own agent - I'll volunteer for that position. I promise not to be a psycho Mom agent who robs the child blind. In fact all the proceeds from his commercials will go right to Pointer Rescue.

Kobe was eating breakfast this morning. He regular kibble, and yogurt. Something startled him and he looked up momentarily. There was that glorious bottom lip covered in yogurt. If that doesn't say "Got Milk" promotion quality I don't know what does.

So lets sign him up and get him the publicity he deserves. From rescue dog to celebrity - that's my boy.

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