Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gone To The Dogs Year End Reflection

How would the dogs sum up this year? The residents, Mick, Maddie and Kobe might say it was the year of the remedial fosters.

Kobe would say - young, wet behind the ears, whippersnappers. Don't know their nose from their tail. Don't mess with me pups. I may be old, I may be nearly toothless.....but I am the bark of authority in this house. If I'm not napping, that is.

Maddie would, and did, growl and snap at Pete and Sidney. Leave that ball alone - Its Mine! Don't sniff my butt - It's Mine! Don't crowd me, I'm The Princess around here. She nearly plucked Pete's whiskers a time or two. He must have left instructions for Sidney, or there is an urban legend about Maddie that all fosters hear about before arriving. She's cute, she's small, but she's a real bitch.

Mickey takes it all in stride. More goofy pointers - all right! Another foster - who cares. A new butt brother - about time. Whatever they don't know, makes me look like a genius.

And they, being Pete and Sidney have learned a lot. From stairs to house manners, from not knowing a treat if it bounced off their nose to Liver Treats! OMG Liver treats. From not knowing what a crate was, to learning the joys of snoozing in the sun. From learning the invisible fence, to learning that forever homes are even better than foster homes.

It's been, and continues to be a doggy-dog world here. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

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