Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fond Memories

What are your fondest memories of the Christmas Season? Yes, this is an interactive blog. Feel free to respond.

My fondest memories of childhood involved wrapping presents with my Mother. We would set up a card table in my bedroom and just wrap, wrap, wrap. I learned how to tie bows during those sessions. Perhaps that was my first lesson in becoming a florist. I have no doubt I've tied 10,000+ bows during my life time. Every one with skills I learned from my Mom.

My other fondest memories are from my kids childhood. I loved to nurse the kids by the gentle light of the Christmas tree. No other lights on - just the twinkle of the tree lights and a precious newborn in my arms. That was the only time those middle of the night feedings were a welcome interruption.

We also read a book every Christmas season by the title of "The Life and Times of Santa Claus". We would start right after Thanksgiving thinking we had all kinds of time to get it read. It never failed we were scrambling right up until Christmas Eve to get all the chapters read. I loved reading to the kids. Those were the best times.

I do recall a time when two of the dogs knocked over the Christmas tree. I believe it was Mickey and Fancy. They got to rough housing and a canine butt body checked the tree. It came crashing down. You never saw two dogs with such guilty looks on their faces. They steered way clear of the tree after that incident.

So what were your favorite memories? This would be a good week to ponder and share them.

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