Monday, December 29, 2008


Reno and I took advantage of warm weather today and went hiking. Since we hope to get the lard out more in the weeks ahead today's walk was literally a step in the right direction.

Here are a few givens. Men are genetically wired to throw rock over bridges onto the ice below. In that same fashion, men are also genetically wired to spit off bridges, buildings, and other high places. You can't stop them and they can't help themselves.

Since I have a few oddities of my own I'll fess up too. I cannot take a long hike (especially in the cold) without needing a potty break. Long hikes rarely offer facilities when you need them. And I personally HATE tinkling in the outdoors. No matter how rural the setting, I am just sure someone can see me. Honestly, I make Reno turn his back. That is just way to personal. And sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. So I did. Thank you, I felt much better.

We did see some wildlife, a few hawks, had a rooster pheasant explode into motion just ahead of us. Luckily, I'd already tinkled by then. And we had a wild turkey jump into flight about 4 feet from us too. Scared the bejeebers out of me. Followed a flock of turkeys down the trail for a while too. Pretty darned cool.

Now the chicken sh*t in me was not thrilled with scrambling over the hill and down to the edge of the river. Read more man-rock heaving. The muddy Mo is not user friendly (to jumpers or those of fall in accidentally) so I don't like messing with her. But Reno morphed into all boy and chucked a few rocks that are going to float on ice slabs all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. He was a happy camper.

Nope we didn't take any dogs with us. They aren't allowed at the refuge we hiked at. They sure would have had a muddy ball though. There are a few questions I have in closing. Why do the animals crap on the path? They have the whole park to use and yet they choose the walking path. Why didn't God give animals a way to leap into flight without making so much noise? Between the turkey and the pheasant I about had a heart attack. Or maybe that's it. The element of surprise and the time it takes the heart to begin beating again gives the animal the time to skidaddle. That must be it.

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