Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Purses - They come in all shapes and sizes. I've had suede purses with fringe (ok, I was about 10 yrs old), beaded purses, leather purses, straw purses, summer bags, little tiny purses to take to the bar, fabric purses too. Is it just me, or are the purses in the stores today just hideous?????

There was a local news story about a woman who had 102 designer purses stolen from her home. How can she find 102 purses she likes and I can't find one???? Frankly, I've carried diaper bags smaller than the purses in fashion today. One could carry a 20 lb turkey in one of them. Or fit in a small pony. Or pack a tent in one. I have enough trouble finding my driver's license, my favorite lipstick and my debit card in the purse I have. If I had one that could fit in a German tank I'd never make it through a check out line.

I want a breezy, easy to carry purse. I don't want to have to hoist it over my shoulder like an anchor for an ocean going vessel. I'd like a nice soft leather purse. Not a slick and shiny pseudo animal skin pretending to be ugly leather. I'd like it to be functional, stylish and not the size of a small suitcase.

Ok, ok, ok......maybe I'm not runway material or fashion forward. I don't need a bag big enough to use to run away from home. It needs to be easy to handle, secure, and able to handle the weather. It needs to hold a check book, or two, and some odds and ends which may include a bag for doggie doodoo. Also a few Kleenex, some receipts I may never need or be able to find again. Some business cards, drivers license, 2-3 lipsticks, a couple pens and perhaps a cough drop. That's all I need and want...... And I'd like it to be cute as well as functional. I'm not asking too much, am I????

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