Friday, December 12, 2008


What does it mean to you? I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Don't be mean. I didn't mean that. What I meant to say is..... So many ways to use this word.

With the holiday season upon us - meaning - becomes really important. We make a special effort during this time of year to honor what has meaning to us. What a shame we don't do that on a daily basis. Imagine if we honored our spouses, kids, friends, family, work that way. Doing this to the best of our ability, every day. Imagine if we just tried to do this.

As I write about meaning, the dogs are all around me. Mick and Sidney are laying in the sun in the spare bedroom. Maddie and Kobe are laying in the hallway, close enough to keep an eye on me. I mean the world to them, and they to me.

My favorite holiday music by Trans-Siberian Orchestra is playing. I love Christmas music - it has special meaning. Reno loves eggnog - it has special Christmas meaning to him. If we have some here it means I have to be really fast if I want to get some. The ornaments, the tree, the traditions - there's that special meaning stuff again. Secret Santa's, special cards, treats and goodies. It means Christmas is upon us.

Which brings me to the question. What has meaning in your life??? And how will you honor that? Do your actions reflect the love you feel, do you find time to celebrate, to pray, to care, to act. If I left today - is there anything you meant to tell me??

I think, therefore, - meaning requires action. Take action today - it may mean the world to you.

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